Help Canadian Armed Forces members this holiday season. Getting together over the holidays—those shortest days...
Canadian Gunners prepare for the Canada Army Run
There are many initiatives taking place across the country this year as part of the 150th Anniversary of The R...
A Normandy Warrior – Philip Favel 1922-2021
On November 8, 2020, Indigenous Veterans Day, the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian War Museum honoured t...
Artillery Day
26 May is Artillery Day. Every year on this day gunners celebrate the birth of artillery internationally. Alth...
Alex Decoteau – A runner and a soldier
Alexander Wuttunee “Alex” Decoteau was born on November 19, 1887 on the Red Pheasant Reserve located in what i...
70th anniversary of the Battle of Kapyong
While most Canadians are well-versed in the facts around milestones of the First and Second World Wars, such a...
Did you know?
UBIQUE – The Latin word meaning “everywhere” is now the motto of Canadian Gunners, and as we celebrate the 150...