26 May is Artillery Day. Every year on this day gunners celebrate the birth of artillery internationally. Although Canada adopted its observance in 1952, the Royal Artillery has recognized this as the birthdate of artillery since 1716. To celebrate, Canadian gunners hold events in the form of community gatherings and displays. Doors remain open to family, friends, and the general public who are all encouraged to participate and learn more about the traditions of the Regimental family and the work of The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery.

As with the remote but ubiquitous delivery of the 2021 Canadian Army Run, this year Artillery Day is being celebrated by gunners across Canada at a distance. On this day, Artillery flags will be flown over the birthplaces of permanent Artillery in Canada in Fort Henry in Kingston, and La Citadelle in Quebec City. On the 150th anniversary year of A and B Batteries in these locations, the Regimental family will host virtual toasts, professional development vignettes, and the live streaming of gun salutes. Keeping its tradition of open-door policy in its 26 communities across the country, The Royal Regiment invites Canada Army Run participants and the general public to take part in all activities on 26 May, including its Artillery Day Coast to Coast Toast. Registration is available at www.ubique150.org