Location | Lieu : Ottawa Ontario

In Person | En personne : 09/22/2024

Virtual Races | Courses virtuelles : 09/06/2024 - 09/27/2024

The 2023 Canada Army Run and its participants raised an impactful $250,000 to support Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members, veterans and their families through Support Our Troops and Soldier On, the official charitable causes of the CAF.

Successful fundraising takes passion, dedication, time and effort, and we are so grateful to our participants who work tirelessly to champion these important causes. The funds raised  have a positive and direct impact on the military community, providing emergency grant funding, sending the children of military members to summer camp, providing scholarships, providing access to recreation and cultural activities and camps, and so much more.

In 2023, the top fundraising teams and individuals were recognized during an intimate gathering with Canadian Army leadership and key Canada Army Run sponsors.

We would love for you to meet some of the individuals who engaged their networks to raise funds in support of the CAF community.

Please meet Tracey Gauley

Pte Tracey Gauley is a member of the Grey and Simcoe Foresters, a Canadian Army Primary Reserve unit in Barrie, Ont. She has been serving with the unit since 2019, and she is in training to become an infanteer.

This was Tracey’s first Canada Army Run and her first time seeking donations.

Tracey, who ran the 10K virtually with her unit, says she was shocked she received so much support for her fundraising.

“People were so receptive, and most people that I talked to, they know a veteran or know somebody who is struggling in some way,” she said. “Everyone was so generous, and it was just such a warm feeling when people are sharing stories with you – it’ not just sponsoring you. So I ended up getting to know something a little bit more about the person. Isn’t that amazing? It was a really great feeling, and then it turned into kind of a shock because so much was coming in – a shock in a good way.”

As the money started coming in, it motivated Tracey to call more people, and her son soon started calling people and asking for donations as well.

“When I say it became big, it became a family affair, something that the whole family became involved in,” she said. “It was beautiful.”

Please meet Stephanie Hornby

Stephanie Hornby of Aylmer, Ont., participated in Canada Army Run 10 years ago, but life has been busy, and she has had two children since then. She signed up for the 2023 Commander’s Challenge to get back into it.

“I work for the Department of National Defence, so it’s a cause that was important to me,” she said. “I am aware of colleagues and friends who have benefitted from these programs.”

Stephanie says she didn’t expect her fundraising to go as well as it did, and now she is motivated to continue fundraising in the future.

“It was so many small donations,” she said. “I’ve had friends and family donate from overseas, as well as local businesses. A lot of it was I broadcast it more at work, the physical aspect of it. It was team-building, and we all got involved. I do give credit to anyone who did sponsor me or support me – that’s where the credit is due.”

Please meet Richard Brown

Richard Brown of Welland, Ont., raised money with his stepdaughter, Mackenna Leblanc.

This was Richard’s first year actively fundraising even though he has been a Canada Army Run veteran for years. Richard came back to race in person and made it a family affair, introducing Mackenna to the in-person event.

“We just figured, let’s give it a go and put it out there on social media, and I got a lot of good contacts down in the Niagara Region,” he said. “Our mechanic got the ball rolling with a $100 donation right off the bat. Ongoing thank yous and tagging people who donated, and the word started to spread. We’ve had a lot of big supporters.”

Mackenna says they asked people if they wanted to raise money with them, and it was very exciting to see when people donated.

“She kept asking me every day what our new total was,” said Richard.

Richard is a veteran who has received a Soldier On grant in the past and participates in Soldier On activities and events, so he knows firsthand the impact the funds raised can have.

“Without the funds Soldier On provides, I would have been lost,” he said. “They don’t judge.”

Please meet Gabriel Marciano

Gabriel Marciano, who is from Venezuela and currently lives in Ontario, is a veteran, and it was easy for him to support Canada Army run and our charitable causes.

“I was with the CAF for 12 years and then I was always Army-adjacent, and this was the closest way I could honour my teammates and my teammates that are no longer with us,” he said.

Gabriel made a commitment last year to really show up early, register and raise funds.

“Because I know the impact the Soldier On program has on people that I served with,” he said. “There are a few people who come to mind, but certainly, it’s one of those things that I can see that will tangibly affect positively guys and girls who are serving that I’ve never met but who need help.”

The top 2023 fundraising teams were:

1.       56 Field Grit Grinders (for the third year in a row!)

2.       Deloitte Operation Greendot

3.       Foresters

4.       BMO Tax

5.       Les’s Warriors

The top 2023 individual fundraisers were:

1.       Patrick Pitt

2.       Tracey Gauley

3.       Gabriel Marciano

4.       Carl Irvine

5.       Richard Brown

6.       Stephanie Hornby

Celebrating our fundraisers in 2024

Did you know that we celebrate our fundraisers in a variety of ways?

This year, participants who raise between $200 and $400 will have a chance to win one of 50, $100 gift cards from Canadian Tire.

We are thrilled to announce that when fundraisers raise $400, we will cover their 2025 Canada Army Run registration fees for any in-person or virtual event of their choosing.

We will be celebrating our Top 10 fundraisers with the Commander of our Canadian Army, Lieutenant-General Wright, presenting them with a beautiful, custom Canada Army Run fall jacket, sponsored by CANEX, at the Canada Army Run Recognition Event on 20 Sep in Ottawa.

At our in-person event on 22 Sep, participants who raise $20 or more will receive a special fundraiser bib to recognize their commitment to supporting the CAF community. Learn more about this year’s new fundraiser bib and about how your fundraising makes a difference in this great Postmedia article: “Canada Army Run is ‘no ordinary race’, and it also supports no ordinary causes“.

Fundraise with us!

Want to make a difference in the CAF community and potentially even see your name on the fundraising leaderboard in 2024? Discover great tips and tricks in our Fundraising Toolkit and learn more about Support Our Troops and Soldier On here.

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