Akeem Warren

Akeem Warren was in the Signal Corps as an ACISS. We were in the same regiment in Kingston, Ontario, the CFJSR regiment.He was cheerful, loved to laugh, play pranks, encourage his colleagues and always had a positive attitude. Shortly after I left the CAF, he began to struggle with his demons.Des


James Ogilvie Forster

I’ve signed up for the race and would love to see my father James Ogilvie Forster on Remembrance Row.


Lieutenant Colonel William Treasure

Growing up without paternal influence, my grandfather, Lieutenant-Colonel William Treasure, taught me the importance of honor, courage and service. Without his influence, I would not be who I am today. His dedication to Canadian military service has inspired many members of our family. We will al


Lieutenant Colonel Lockhart Fulton

Lieutenant-Colonel Lockhart Fulton was part of the sponsoring group from Birtle, Manitoba, that brought our family to Canada. Our family and the community knew him as “Lockie”. It was clear that his life had been marked by extraordinary contributions, from his military service to helping a young


Sergeant Geoff Postle

June 10, 1969 – May 13, 2023.Sergeant Geoff Postle was a highly respected search and rescue technician who demonstrated exceptional dedication and professionalism throughout his 33 years of service. Geoff’s dedication to his teammates and his willingness to put their welfare before hi