This is a photo of my grandfather, Leonard Forkes, and his brothers Frank and Bert Forkes.
My grandfather started in the Canadian Army in April 1933, as a Private in the Princess of Wales’ Own Regiment in Kingston. He became a Sergeant, a Warrant Officer, Lieutenant and so on, and when he retired, his Acting Major was confirmed as Major. I understand he chose ‘accounting’ as a profession from the list of things he could study at college after retiring, ‘accounting’ because it was first in the list. My grandfather was a practical person.
My grandfather loved my grandma very much. When he was stationed in Winnipeg, he offered her a fur coat for Christmas or a trip back home to Kingston. Maybe they couldn’t really have afforded both, but the story is, he found a way. I think it was hard for them to be far from family.
When he was much older and retired, my grandfather developed Alzheimer’s. I remember his friend reminded him, Once a gunner, always a gunner, Len! I think he made good, lifelong friends in the Army.
I don’t really know a lot about my grandfather’s record, but I believe he was very proud of his military career. He kept the shell from the Queen’s Jubilee, and I have it, and we share it with my son’s school as part of their Remembrance Day ceremonies.
When he was retired and was just my grandpa, my grandpa demonstrated for me many important values, like fortitude, steadiness, and love and dedication to family and country.
He’s passed now, but my grandfather and my grandmother, and the life they built starting as an Army family located in various places across Canada, are strong role models in my mind.
When the race gets hard and I feel like running up Sussex is going to be a real slog, I want to see my grandfather’s face, along with his brothers who served. They made it, they did it with grace and courage. I’m proud of that heritage and can finish this race easy.